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Friday, June 18, 2010

June OneWay Newsletter/Prayer Update

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord!"
Prov 21:31

In a conversation with some interns this week, I shared the above verse. I explained that we could do a ton of work and put in hours and hours to do great work FOR God, but unless the Lord brings victory and His Spirit inhabits these projects, we've just made ourselves ready for battle. God Himself must bring success in the spiritual realm, where all of this matters. This drives us to our knees and reminds us that our greatest (and only real) strength is in Him.

The June Update!

1. God has opened up a partnership with Operation World, a ministry dedicated to the mobilization of global prayer. We are working to provide Prayercast videos for a 60-day online prayer journey that will mark the release of Operation World's new book edition this fall.
Prayer Request: Praise God that we can contribute to His work in this way, and pray for more video editors and people to pray for their country so that we may complete 37 more country videos by October 1.

2. The facility is coming together! All sorts of people have helped to prepare the building for ministry. We continue to rejoice in God's provision in this.

3. Because the facility allows us, the amount of OneWay workers has exponentially increased! This past Wednesday, 37 people filled the building! Kids ages 4-12 cleaned and did yard work, the "Great Commission Women" worked on interior design, database management, watched kids 0-3, and led 2 separate Bible studies. The 10 summer interns were discipled and continued their work on making prayercast videos, writing country summaries for every country of the world, and putting together a worship event for December. It's hoppin' building - a very exciting place to be!
Prayer Request: My job is to manage and organize all the people who can help! Pray for great wisdom and an increase of skill as I continue to create systems and appoint leaders.

4. A team of 12 of us or so is meeting with the entire staff at Tyndale House Publishing next Thursday, June 24 in Wheaton. They would like us to encourage everyone with the fact that God is indeed moving in our midst with some stories of what He's doing in OneWay. We also will be sharing a little about what we are doing, and look forward to possible partnerships with some people there.
Prayer Request: Pray that God would be glorified as we testify to His wonderful acts, and that He might encourage and strengthen the Tyndale staff to continue serving Him.

5. Personally, the summer is our family's time to rest and recharge. We very much appreciate the ebbs and flows of life as a teacher's family, and are looking forward to a good amount of time together, enjoying the girls and all the blessings God has provided us.
Prayer Request: Pray for us to enjoy sweet family and personal time in this season of rejuvination. Pray that we would draw near to God, and He would draw near to us as we continue to grow in our walks with Him.

For more info:
OneWay's website:
Prayercast website:
Summer Intern Blog:

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