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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Park Fun

So, all is not spiritual striving this spring break (see post below), as we've enjoyed the outside a great deal already!

Anna and Bethy enjoyed their first sister swing experience, backwards in the swings due to the sun.

Bethy didn't seem overly enthused, but tolerated it fine.

Aunt Kim and Anna did some digging.

And Anna rode on a yellow
Yay for spring break!

Bible Memory

God is showing me how memorizing the Bible can change my life.

I had a goal of memorizing 100 verses by the end of last year, and another 100 by April 1. Today, on the eve of April 1, Steve "tested" me on all 200.

I want to testify that God's GRACE has been working in my life, working in me (Phil 2:13) to want to know His Word and helping me to see it transform my mind (Romans 12:2). Everything seems different, makes more sense, is more clear.

I would love to encourage anyone in any Bible memory desires they might have - click here for my list of verses that you might want to pick from. Click here for notecards for the first 100, here for notecards for the second 100. You can easily print the notecards on 3.5x5 index cards.

How I memorize:
  1. As I read through the Bible, I write down what I deem "memorize-worthy" verses on the inside cover of my journal. Takes little effort.
  2. When I am wanting to start a group of them, I put them all in an excel file with the reference.
  3. If I want more, I read through other lists of verses to see if any should be added to my list. (see below for a couple ideas)
  4. I print out verse cards from my Excel file in Word (data merge manager). I can make this Word file for anyone - just send me your excel file!
  5. As I learn them from the cards, I write down the references on a piece of paper that becomes my "key." This way, as I review, I can go through them on that paper, then look them up on the cards as I have need. This also helps me learn the references.
Places to get ideas for memory verses include:
  1. FighterVerses:
  2. Promises of God: (long list, but some are awesome): click here
  3. Concordances or lists of verses about any issue - online is easiest: google "bible verses pride" "bible verses fear". You'll get plenty of ideas.
  4. My list
My tips for Bible memory:
  1. Learn a song that has that verse in the lyrics.
  2. Say it out loud many times to yourself, with great emotion, emphasizing words as they would be emphasized in conversation.
  3. Write it many times.
  4. Make up motions that go along with key parts of the verse.
  5. Talk about it all the time - to everyone you know!
  6. Find a way to USE it in your day to day life - a verse for while in the shower, a verse for cleaning the kitchen, a verse for going to bed.
  7. Keep it on a card in your pocket, looking at it throughout the day.
  8. When at stoplights, memorize! Print the verses out on cards or regular paper.
  9. Teach it to other people.
  10. Community: Get other people to memorize verses with you to help inspire you to keep going.
  11. Try to remember the VERBS - they help move you through the verse.
  12. Learn first letters: Phil 4:8 "whatever is tnr, pla, ep, think about these things."
  13. Learn sections, then transitions: work on separate sections, then learn the harder transitions between parts of the passage.
  14. Pick applicable verses for your situation NOW, ones that you care about and that you want to be thinking about anyway.
  15. Make a list of verses that you have memorized, and keep the list going. Later you will want to know how many and which ones you have memorized.
"...the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus..." 2 Timothy 3:15

Friday, March 26, 2010

Teacher Reunion Playdate

Once upon a time, a looooong time ago, Steve and I taught in 3 different schools in Naperville's School District #204.

We became friends with other childless music teachers, and we all taught happily together.

Then many of us had children.

And here's the reunion that brought some of us together again! 7 kids, 5 music teacher moms.

Some girl time on the chair!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The New Favorite "Toy"

Perhaps Anna will be a maid when she grows up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Bash" and "Side"

Yes, taking a bath and being outside are some of Anna's favorite activites.

Anna knows to "move" when Bethy joins her in the tub.

Becky enjoys orally attacking the book while in the bath.

Anna likes to make the "guys" talk.

Outside at last! The bike...the best thing known to Anna.

And the wagon Anna received for her birthday - it's had 2 walks in the last 2 days. She LOVES it.

One thing we are working on is producing a scripture memory album through OneWay by this fall! Anna sings the songs with me, one word at a time. Sometimes she gets distracted though:).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Visit with Great Grandma

Nothing further needs to be said. Beautiful!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What happens?

What happens when you've had no tv for a couple months and then you bring it out to watch the infamous USA vs. Canada Hockey Olympic gold medal game?

What happens when Bethy begins gnawing on everything she can get her hands on?
(can you tell she's taking her own temperature?)

What happens when I try to get a nice sister picture?

What happens when Bethy gets a bad cold? (very pitiful)

What happens when Steve introduces Anna to "choo-choos" on YouTube?

What happens when you leave a baby happily sitting erect on your bed for a little too long?
(how did she end up UNDER the pillow is what I want to know:) )

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Growing Olive Plants

What does the Bible say about having kids?

  • Kids are a heritage from the Lord, a reward, and that we are blessed when we have a lot of them. (Ps 127)
  • God tells us not to look down on them. (Matt 18:10)
  • God said the kingdom of heaven belongs to "such as these" (Matt 19:14)
  • AND in describing what Jerusalem will be like when He lives there, God says that "the city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there." (Zech 8:5)

This is encouraging and exciting - I especially like the last verse implies that having kids happily playing is something in which that God delights. We have a lot of that:).

And yet having kids isn't easy allllll the time. God has used a friend's blog post to correct and encourage me.

Read part of it below:

“Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways…your children shall be like olive plants all around your table.” (Psalm 128:1,3)

I absolutely love the picture this verse paints, and since Jim and I are in the season of raising children, we are naming the theme of this blog after the verse. This is quite intentional, and perhaps even counter-cultural. In a culture where children are considered an inconvenience, we are choosing to believe God’s word that counts children as a heritage from the Lord, a reward, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, a cause for happiness! If I believe this about the children God has given us, then I can cancel the pity party that says, poor me, I can’t sleep in, travel the world, read a book in an afternoon, skip dinner preparation, take a shower in peace…you get the point.

And what’s up with the image of olives?? Let me share something that I recently learned about cultivating olive trees.

Apparently, there are two different methods of planting olive trees in the mediterranean part of the world. The first method takes a branch from an already existing tree and places it in a hole dug for the new tree. The branch is then watered and fertilized. Eventually the tree grows and bears fruit.

The second method also begins by cutting a branch off of a mature tree. But rather than planting it in the ground, it is placed into a soil plug and cared for in a nursery until it is strong enough to be transplanted. While in the nursery the little sapling is watered and fertilized. In due time the gardener sees that the plant is ready and he transplants it into the field. Eventually it bears fruit.

So what’s the difference between the two trees? The quality of the fruit.

Upon leaving the earth to return to heaven, Jesus commissioned His disciples (and us) to go and make disciples. So when I look at these little people under my care, I must seriously consider how I’m training (discipling) them. Am I giving them the bare minimum they will need to grow and bear fruit? Or am I tenderly nurturing them by teaching them God’s word, praying for them, equipping them for life so that they will bear great big juicy fruit?

After reading this, I made of list of the thoughts I'm not allowed to think anymore - any pity party thoughts. (Doesn't mean I won't wish I can sleep more or have more time, but the standard has been set so I can catch myself:).)

God has tasked me to grow olive plants with great joy.

And so grow olive plants I shall, by His power and grace ALONE.

Praise God for His perspective.