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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Worship and Blessing...

This week we went to the "Family Dedication" class at Wheaton Bible Church.  Every time we walk out of there I turn to Steve and say, "I'm so glad we go here!".  It is truly a blessing to be in a place where we are taught, challenged, and have oppotunities to reach the world both locally and globally.  Even though this year we didn't do Puente del Pueblo, an after-school ministry to struggling public school kids in West Chicago, we hope to do more like this when we don't have trouble driving a half hour without screaming in the car!:)

Anyway, Aunt Bo and Uncle Jonathan came to watch the kids...

Anna likes the Wi that we share with among 4 family households.  She wakes up in the morning and says "EEE, EEE".  It has now left our house so her affections are returning to normal.:)

Anna is like her Daddy in that she takes a long time to wake up.  This is what she looks like each afternoon after her nap.  Usually the hair is worse:).

Anna blesses Elizabeth.

Anna now likes to eat in a "big girl" chair.

A normal day:

She is getting to be quite the cute little girl!

Anna didn't get her is hard being 1.

The OneWay album is now complete, to be released in 2 weeks!  One of the songs on there is in some African language.  Anna was holding here hands up in the air while we listened, and we got a little on video.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the picture of Anna blessing Elizabeth! Hilarious but sweet!
