There was a children's clothes resale this weekend, and we got many new clothes for Anna, as up until now, we have been given literally all of Anna's clothes! Anna is loving her new winter coat, for it has a zipper. She likes to wear it over her summer dress:).
At a recent get-together with our old friends - we started out with 4 kids among us all, now there are 13!

While in college, my mom gave me some VeggieTales figures (long story). Then we gave them to the Hyatts. Now the Hyatts have given them back to us, and my daughter is playing with them! She thinks all the gourds and such are "apples".

In the last 2 weeks we have been recording more strings and vocals for the OneWay album "Shine." Kim was on Elizabeth duty for 2 nights in a row and they both handled it very well!

Our "congregation" for the album - about 100 people attended the worship/recording night from at least 14 churches and recorded 6 songs! A neat experience, and fun to reunite with old friends, and make some new ones too!

Love the winter coat, Little Sugar Plum, all the new pics, and the LARGE group you had for the recording session! Life is chock-full of blessings!