I caught a couple precious moments today and had to put them down for posterity!
Anna and Elizabeth have started to interact. Well, INTERact may be too strong of a word. Anna 'acts,' Elizabeth stares in Anna's general direction. Well, sometimes Elizabeth stares in Anna's direction. Sometimes she turns her head away...
Anna likes to see into Elizabeth's pack n' play. Up on your toes, now!
Notice the neon yellow picture drawn for Elizabeth by a 3-year-old fellow Wheaton Bible Church-goer who brought over dinner with her mom yesterday. The care of the body of Christ extends to 3-year-olds and newborns!
Steve and Elizabeth...
Also, Anna is learning to jump. I have no idea where she got the idea or learned to try to jump, but here she is, on her 18 month "birthday" trying to jump. The carseat is very distracting, but she does get one good attempt in there.
Oh, it IS today - Anna's half-birthday, that is! What a big girl! When Elizabeth is Anna's age, they'll be running all over the house, best of friends, and partners in crime! :-)