Elizabeth has been doing GREAT! She's a great sleeper - only waking up 2x a night or so - and is overall just a happy girl! We've been enjoying a lot of family time with Steve home over the summer. Here are some pics!
Anna has adjusted just fine to having a baby sister - every once in a while she points at her and says "BA-BEEE!" Then she goes along with her day.:)
Anna has been entertained by all of my family coming over, which has been a huge help! She spends a lot of time with Grammy, here reading her Bible.

Anna also shared her block with the sleeping Elizabeth - when I woke up in the morning, this is what I saw...

Modesty, young one! (Anna always got her arm out the neck-hole of this one too...)
I LOVE all the great pics! We need to swap DVDs of our pics! Anna and I had a great time today - did I tell you how she was "telling" me about her shampoo and what it's used for?