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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Fun Part II

Today was a great day!

We started the day at church, where
Becky took a nap in the storage room
Anna worshipped and prayed in church and then went to play with the kids, where 8 yr old Esther told them stories and led a craft
us adults got to hear Steve share His thoughts on the importance of a strong core or "hub" of your life's wheel. It was great!

We had potluck lunch at church, and then came home to play some more, and of course, Becky ate some more food too. Naptime was then upon us. Estrella cleaned our kitchen, Paul and Steve worked on the iPad and went to Starbucks for Steve's birthday free drink, and Katie read. However, after naptime, off we went to the hotel pool.

Anna really liked the side of the pool, where she could play with the water without actually getting in. This was a great joy.
In the meantime, Becky floated around in a baby "boat."
We approached Anna about trying out the "boat." She was wary.
But once in, she enjoyed it...
...with smiles all around.

Pool fun!

Memorial Day Fun

It's been a fun weekend, and it's not over! The Willies are here to visit and to celebrate Steve's 31st birthday today! Happy birthday to the best hub, whose love is unconditional, and the best leader of our family I could ever desire!

The girls received matching outifts from the grandparents.

Both Anna and Elizabeth love to color on Estrella's new iPad. Steve and I were discussing how in 1999 when Steve's brother bought a digital audio player, Steve thought, "Now, why would you need THAT?" Now Anna talks about needing her "own iPod." What will the new thing be when Anna goes into middle school?

Another round of Phillips Park Zoo (yes, round 3 in 9 months or so). What can we say? It's free, close, just the right size, and has a playground - what more can you want? The birthday wagon from the Vaters was wonderful!

Look who's getting to be a little girl!

We made a trip to Toys R Us to get Bethy a swing since she is no longer afraid of swinging (as we found at the zoo). While there, the Willies decided to buy Anna a sandbox for Steve's birthday:).
Bethy really, really, really likes the swing. Great squeals of joy pierce the air...

Anna really, really, really likes the sandbox. It is the same exact style I had when I was growing up.

Summer has officially begun!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Essence of ... us

Steve is often featured on facebook for various reasons - from getting in trouble with the park ranger by flying a kite on tour to his famous "slow clap" which has spread from band and orchestra into other classes. Most recently with this pictured with the caption:
"The essence of Willy"

He enjoys high school students:).

Along with that theme, here is
"The essence of Bethy"

"The essence of Anna"

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Our backyard is very shady in the evening. Very fun. Steve was smart to know this would be a good house to get 7 years ago (minus 1 week)!!!

The little family enjoys the outside:

Anna climbing the stairs to the slide.

Bethy enjoys her book though it is 3 times her size.

Bethy can't decide between the egg and the book.

It's the little things in life - a nice quiet evening outdoors to end the Sabbath.

Friday, May 21, 2010

10 months for Elizabeth!

Happy "birthday" to Becky - 10 months today!

She had a future friend named Faith Ruge born last night. Ahhh the fun they will have!

So, you ask, what does a 10 month old Becky do?

Well, she
  • - eats anything she can put in her mouth (including food of ANY kind, lint, grass, and especially shopping lists)
  • - has started to roll over without immense prodding and bribing with the "little people" shepherd (that she chews on)
  • - eats all her toys
  • - rides in carts and strollers very happily, especially when given a graham cracker
  • - responds to Anna's exploits with squeals and clapping.
Anna hugs Elizabeth, among Potato Head arms.

The sisters enjoy some Daddy piano time.

It seems Elizabeth has decided it would be indeed nice to move from place to place sometimes. She has not figured out how to do this, however, so she resorts to expressing her desires with the ceremonial "hitting of the floor."

Speaking of milestones, one of Steve's old students, who is watching the girls for a morning a week, asked me this morning, "Is Anna potty training?"
"No," I answered, "the potty chair is out but not active."

Apparently, last week with the babysitter, on her own volition, Anna asked to use her potty, and had a "successful" experience! I couldn't believe it. She has not been interested at all since, and I've seen no different signs since that day. Anna must be pretty comfortable with Betsy the babysitter!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Anna's first 3 word phrase

"Dude man bro."

Steve was integral in the learning of this phrase.

Now they have a thing: Steve says "Dude man!" and Anna says "Bro!"

Dad and daughter bonding?

My new fav verse

...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
and whosever wants to be first must be your slave -
just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.
- Matthew 20:26-28

Such a verse is moving to me in this season of (what I feel like is) much service. Serving others is a privilege, and I shouldn't avoid it but embrace it, as it's God's assignment for me. And not just for me in this season, but for all believers all throughout life. Having young kids is just something that helps you serve more.:)

So yay for that, and may God provide the strength with which to do it! (If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides... - 1 Peter 4:11)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Swingset

We got a free swingset!

One of Steve's students, after hearing our "bee story" (ask us about this sometime) offered up her swingset to us - all we had to do was go get it. This was wonderfully awesome. Some of Steve's students jumped at the opportunity to help take it apart at her house, drive down here, and reassemble it here. It was quite a day.

The UHaul truck had 1 inch of space to spare...

Steve facilitated the moving.

Moving the "house"...

Tipping the "house"...

Group picture!

Anna's approach to the finished swingset:

Both girls love it!

The yard shots: still lots of room for the golf ball game and wiffle ball.

And we end with the classic high school guy moment...rapping the percussion ensemble song on the swingset.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Storytime with Anna 3

Anna still likes to read, real words or not.
(She does say "rainbow" and "outside", but they are hard to distinguish.)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Steve was driving the other day and our car "Lance" got splattered with something. Something that doesn't even wash off in the rain. I was visiting him at school and as we walked outside together, I said aloud "Wow, what happened to that car?!" and then realized it indeed was our very own. Steve was very proud of it for many weeks, and occasionally even told his students to go check out his car in the school parking lot so they could see its "beauty." It is now finally back to its "boring" washed state.

A friend dropped by a fruit basket with chocolate covered apples the other day.
They were a great motivator for Anna to eat new things for dinner, as she REALLY wanted one.

Anna meets chocolate covered apple:
Happy afterwards:
Bethy took it all in, as it takes her a good 45 minutes for each meal these days. After all, think of the small pieces and the effort it takes to get it into your mouth!

A pic from after the funeral trip. Anna lost (pulled out of her hair) her barrette in the car ride - a frequent occurence. Miss Long Bangs!!!

We took some pics on Mother's Day... we MUST teach Anna how to smile!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Grandpa/Great Grandpa's Funeral & Trip

My Grandpa died last Saturday early morning, a blessing from God to release him from a failing memory in his last years. We thank God for him and the legacy of love, hard work and faithfulness he leaves to our family! He was very special to us. I will always remember his fixing up the house, his train set, his stamp collection, his fireplace, and sharing meals together. Also the way he laughed and told stories (with great emotion).

We look forward to seeing Grandpa again in heaven. We explained to Anna that he went to go see Jesus, and on the way home from the burial service Anna kept saying "Jesus, Jesus." You just never know what she's thinking behind that. Praise God for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Without it we are hopeless, especially in the life to come.

The burial was a meaningful time - Grandpa was in the army, so he got military honors with a flag, military representatives, and a bugler played taps.

Afterward the extended family had a luncheon together. We don't see each other much so it was special.

Bethy and my grandma spent some time together.

Also, our hotel had a pool, of which we took advantage.
Anna was very excited about swimming, until she saw the pool. We had her try out the pool a little...
...but she decided it was much better to just wear your "fwimfuit" and hang out on the side.

Becky ended up in the pool more than Anna,

and was held by various family members!