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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Week

Our 2 girls!

One highlight of this week was Halloween Storytime, where all the kids wore costumes and paraded around the library (mostly for library staff - who else is at the library on Tuesday at 10am?).

Our friends Yu-ting and daughter Sophia 

We tried to get a group picture of some of them, unsuccessfully.  Notice the other bee in the picture.  Anna was one of three in the storytime hive.:)

Occasionally at Dominick's Anna gets a cookie, which she likes to eat slowly and smear all over her face...

On our way to Aunt Bo's house on the big day!

We went trick-or-treating and everything...

Anna particularly liked a sucker she got.

Kim and Elizabeth!

Anna, Kim and Jonathan played ring around the rosy, to Anna's delight.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Let's Compare...

Anna and Elizabeth, both almost 3 months in two poses:

Pose #1: (Anna, then Elizabeth)

(Bethy evidently isn't as ROUND.)

Pose #2: (Anna, then Elizabeth)

(Bethy was very interested in her fist and wouldn't look at the camera.)

Family resemblance, ahhhh.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ring Around the Rosy

So the jury is out on the background of "Ring Around the Rosy" (see here).  Does it refer to sneezing or falling down or death?  The mystery remains, but Anna gleefully enjoys the rhyme at any time.  (Anna's pants under her dress are courtesy of Steve.)

Tickling is another favorite activity, and she makes a fun sound when she does it too.  She also likes to throw stuffed animals or dolls in the air, in this case, Brookfield the Penguin.  "Wheeeeeeee!"

Sometimes I find Anna trying to pick up Elizabeth.  I do hope that if she ever does succeed in this effort that Elizabeth will not be thrown into the air while Anna yells "Wheeeeee!"  Elizabeth is not quite as durable as Brookfield.


Anna likes to play with "dids", or "kids".

Yesterday my friend Erin from California brought her 2 kids over and the 4 kids played and played...

Anna showed Leo her book

Some group shots:


This post is for Grandma Estrella, who constantly asks for more pictures of Elizabeth!

She turned 3 months old on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Library and Leaves

Anna has a great fondness for the library.

We talk about it daily.
We get there early and do some puzzles...

Then she sits waiting for storytime to start on her cushion.

Today she wandered the room for half of the storytime, dancing with the teacher and "borrowing" other kids' cushions.

She was very happy to clean up our cushions at the end.

Then Anna helped Daddy to rake leaves:).  

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Fisher-Price Doggy and stuff

This little doggy talks and sings.
Before Anna was born, he used to start singing suddenly in the middle of the night with no cause.
Thankfully now he waits until some part of him is disturbed.
Anna likes him:

The Ruges stopped by to share some good news with us on the way home from the U of W game, and Anna enjoyed Chris' bright red hat.

Steve's band and orchestra played at the DuPage Convalescent Center this weekend.
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40
The jazz band played too.  Steve plays piano for the group too, which is fun!

Elizabeth is still hanging...

Bethy has been enjoying the playmat, but it is possible that Anna enjoys it more.
Anna a year ago:
Anna now:):

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rubbermaid and Dolly

The every-other year matching of the rubbermaid to the lids and throwing away unneeded various lids and containers.  In fact, it may be much less frequent.  Anna found this a fascinating activity.

Anna proceeded to play with the lids that made the cut for a full undisturbed and focused half hour.

Little smiley!

Little Pumpkin!

Anna's matching hat

Elizabeth loaned Anna's dolly some socks, as Anna was concerned that the dolly's feet were bare.

Spending quality time with Dolly

The Pumpkin Farm Zoo

Ahh the adventures never cease...

We got to hold and pet some baby chicks, however, I had a difficult time actually getting up the nerve to pick one up. Eventually we were successful.

Behold the goats that just looked at you, opened their mouth, and said "BA." It was classic.

There was a corn maze

and a little place to take pictures.

Anna liked to look at all the huge pumpkins and tried to pick them up. "Peesh!" (please)

Elizabeth enjoyed herself a great deal as well-she was a well-bundled sleeper.

The highlight of the entire trip was that there was a little jumping thing with a slide - it was a major hit.